Product options:

- Express da Vinci outdoor transportable traveling simulator.
- Express da Vinci transportable hologram museum with indoor traveling simulator.
For the past 3 years, Express da Vinci group was investing to prepare technical project according EN13814 (TUV Nord), to prepare the product for the production.
Now starting the marketing stage. Searching for co-operator/investor to start first Express da Vinci simulator in Europe and/or Middle east.
Communicating with several countries’ governments to agree on investment for 200 – 1000 global Express da Vinci simulators to promote their country’s tourism destinations.
Express da Vinci is the gamechanger in the field of “Flying theatres”. Investment amount is only a few millions euros, production and starting period is only one year. Operators do not need to buy or build special buildings/facilities for “flying theatre” which raises the starting budget up to 20 millions euros and takes a long period of time to implement – 2, 3 years.
Express da Vinci has innovative and futuristic exterior and interior designs which attract consumers to try this never seen before “space ship”. Transportability of the machine lets operators run business in the most flexible way, regarding season or climate conditions, change operating locations and increase the profitability.
Express da Vinci can be easily operated in the most popular areas with existing traffic of consumers. Local and international media share information about new innovative activities in the popular public areas. Express da Vinci is the marketing channel itself.
To provide services for 300 000 consumers a year with 20 euros tickets (6 000 000 euros revenue) is not only one revenue stream. Express da Vinci will earn additionally 1 000 000 euros per year from the branding of sponsorship programs.
The main theme of Express da Vinci trips is to visit and explore famous tourism destinations digitally. Every country has a tourism authority or tourism board. Authorities have huge budgets to promote their tourism and attract tourists from abroad. Feasibility study showed that this 3rd additional revenue stream can earn 1000 000 euros per year.
More information can be found here.