Socrates have developed a removable camera system. ‘The Rabbit’ that allows it to be ‘disposable’ – the devices are designed to be super reliable but when one breaks you unclip it and reattach a new one, which instantly starts recording and wirelessly sending video without any intervention. The devices also simply unclip and reclip to charge overnight. Through this approach we keep it simple, one device containing the battery, wireless antenna, camera, microphone and processor thus avoiding any wiring through the train and any unwanted points of failure. The cameras are capable of 4k but mostly run in 1080p at 60 frames per second delivering smooth footage despite the speed of the Gravity Groups’ coasters and even the possibility of slo-mo segments from the video stream.

Typically Socrates (and competitor) video products are retrofitted, however, Gravity Group have incorporated the camera mounting system design into their roller coaster train making it seamlessly fit and thus are the only ride manufacturer who can offer their roller coasters with integrated video directly to their customers, giving Gravity Group a key differentiator and giving their clients the opportunity to gain a revenue stream with their new attraction as well as significant social media exposure through videos shared across multiple platforms.
The camera solution can be purchased by the attraction or provided under a revenue share arrangement giving them an exciting new product without any additional capex beyond the provision of a normal ride photography booth.