1st place
Eatrenalin EATRENALIN Rust/Germany GmbH & Co. KG
A media-based multisensory restaurant immersing guests in a unique world through scents, tastes, visuals, acoustics and haptics.
An opportunity to put forward a truly out-of-the-box concept that has yet to be fully developed, or to recognise a one-of-a-kind experience.
Assetnest, powered by Pole Star EAM
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1st place
A media-based multisensory restaurant immersing guests in a unique world through scents, tastes, visuals, acoustics and haptics.
2nd place
An interactive show control system designed to anonymously, and without wearables, read guests movements, gestures, poses and positions.
3rd place
Giving Walt Disney World decision-makers, operators, employees, and visitors real-time weather information.