1st place

Wallace & Gromit: The Big Fix Up Aardman
Bringing Wallace and Gromit to life in AR for the first time, Fictioneers partnered with Aardman for the release of ‘The Big Fix Up’.
Digital is revolutionising how visitors experience attractions. This evolution of interaction has accelerated as a result of Covid, with digital interactions becoming the norm. Digital innovations are not only improving the visitor journey by providing a layer of utility and convenience, they are also being used to add storytelling magic.
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1st place
Bringing Wallace and Gromit to life in AR for the first time, Fictioneers partnered with Aardman for the release of ‘The Big Fix Up’.
2nd place
The Worldbuildr Software Suite is a first-of-its-kind virtual production tool, built specifically to be used by all stakeholders in any given LBE project as its design progresses from concept to creation.
3rd place
Welcome to LEGO Mythica. A parallel world that exists where LEGO creatures come to life. Every time a child takes care building a LEGO creature – no matter how big or small – unbeknown to them that creature comes to life in a parallel world.